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Friday, March 30, 2012

Norwescon Countdown!

What's up bitches? It's the official less-than-1-week countdown to Norwescon and the kickoff to Biohazard 16. This year brings you the theme 'When the Geeks Come out at Night' and the Biohazard Fraternity of Beta Phi Omega. As  always the Biohazard year starts with Norwescon on Easter weekend and will continue through to Rustycon in January. During our 16th year we're also going to be doing parties at Crypitcon in May and Westercon in June. The theme stays the same for ALL the parties, FYI for those of you who are new to the scene.

Norwescon offers our biggest (and most expensive) party of the year. We arrive Wednesday and the real nitty gritty of set up happens on Thursday. Friday night the party will open at 9pm with first bar shifts starting at 10 (why the gap you ask -- because really, there's not a lot that happens between 9 & 10 -- most people are still getting ready for the night ahead or even still awaking up!). The party goes until dawn though after 2 it is a closed door-invite only private party (this is because of the rules of the banquet permit).

On Friday night Biohazard ladies Chicka (yes, that's me), Molly Woggle and our special guest Jell-Ho Jess will be wrestling versus Dethcon in the annual KY match. This kicks off at Midnight and if you want to see Molly's first time in a special event and probably the only time I will ever get sticky from head to toe, be there early. My prediction: 2-1 Biohazard (for those keeping count that's one of us girls loosing -- for those of you who know Jacqui you know I'm going down).

Saturday night is our usual madness - The party opens at 9 and our wet t-shirt contest starts at Midnight. VIPs get front row seating, the rest of the room is first come, first served until we can't fit any more. So come early and get lined up to see the action. DO NOT BRING CAMERAS. If you take pictures during the wet t-shirt contest you will be removed from the room and possibly the party itself. We are very strict on this policy - don't fuck around with it. Just be safe and keep your cell phones in your pocket or better yet, don't even bring them in the room. If you're kicked out, it's your own damn fault and you're lucky that's all you get -- Carter would break your shit, literally. If there is a question, we will ERR ON THE SIDE OF CAUTION. Call me a bitch all you want. If you're just getting around to it, we've obviously never met before.

Same deal -- Party closes down after 2 due to rules of the banquet permit.

Sunday is dedicated to tear down & pack out -- volunteers are always welcomed and appreciated.


I've had quite a few emails/messages/inquiries about this so I'll cover it really quickly here. Every year we order special shirts for our volunteers and our security. Everyone who volunteers in any capacity has the chance to earn the right to keep a shirt as a memento.

Security shirts are pretty easy since security shifts are a full night deal -- you do a shift you're pretty much going to earn the shirt. You do both nights (yes we have a lot of these) and you're pretty much guaranteed to keep it. It all depends on how much work you did over your shift and how many security volunteers we had -- Security volunteers committed to shifts at future parties get priority because they will be reusing their shirts.

Volunteer shirts are a bit different because these cover a lot more people & a lot less shirts. Again the first thing to remember is the more work you do, the better chance you have at earning a shirt. People who come and help lay carpet for four hours or are hoofing manual labor for pack in and pack out will get major priority over someone who performed a bar shift or two. This is determined on a case-by-case basis and comes highly on recommendations from the staff member that you work with. You are never guaranteed a shirt unless you are going above and beyond the rest, remember that.

If you have any questions you can contact me via the forums or through email:

See y'all at Norwescon!


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